Friendly Seward, Alaska accommodations and lodgings for your summer vacation at Camelot Cottages & Cabins

The Cabins
Our cabins and chalet are clean, comfortable and affordable accommodations in Seward Alaska.

Each cabin offers full ammenities from cable TV and complete kitchens and offers use of the hot tub, laundry room and more.

Fishing Adventures
Photo album of fishing in Seward Alaska by the guest of Camelot Cottages

Our Garden Album
Photo album of the grounds and gardens of Camelot Cottages in Seward Alaska


FAQ - Find out more about your stay at Camelot Cottages in Seward Alaska.

Photo Album - More great photos of the cabins at Camelot Cottages in Seward Alaska

Our guests love the flowers -
Cabin 1 Bedroom - Clean and comfortable bedrooms
Cabin 1 - All of our cabins have the ammenities you need for a happy vacation.
Cabin 1 Kitchen - Cabins 1 and 2 have fully supplied kitchenettes.
Cabin 3 bedroom - Cabin 3 sleeps up to a family of 4
Cabin 3 loft -
Cabin 3 Kitchen - Fully supplied kitchen for your Seward Alaska vacation.
The Chalet bedroom -
Chalet Bedroom -
Chalet Greatroom -
Wildflowers surround our grounds -
Relax in the large outdoor hot tub -
Contact - We look forward to answering your questions and assisting you in booking your Seward Alaska vacation accommodations.

Seward - Annual events and more information about Seward Alaska for our guests and other tourists.

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